martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Mùsica : Hugo 'Droopy' Contini. Surpriscording. Jazz

nancy, Francia


    "Hey man, you're gonna record your first album in 4 days."  That's what I told Droopy Contini one Monday evening while sippin some beer after rehearsal.

    I was actually thinking of testing my recording tricks and gear, without really thinking of producing a serious album. It turned out better than we all expected.  

    From the get-go Droopy included 2 Charlie Parker favorites, a Clifford Brown blues he knew Pov Weyer loved, then he thought of doing The Beat Goes On and he composed a modal tune for this particular album.

    The musicians for the rythm section, namely Pov Weyer on piano, Ed Mars on drums and myself on bass didn't know what
Droopy would actually come up with on Friday April 11th 2008.

    The recording was done right after a Real Dealers rehearsal so there was few time left, something like 2-3 hours. We did one or two version of each track and then recorded it, with maybe one or two retakes for all the album.    

    This forced us to rely almost only on our feeling because nothing was rehearsed at all, so we tried to make it sound good
at once, without getting to fancier arrangements, and it was a really cool experience.

    Usually when you record something you're prone to polish the smallest details and make everything cleaner than clean, sometimes to a point were it just kills the music (especially if it's Hardbop Jazz.)

    We were more like: "Okay, let's just play, no time to chit chat, and if it's bad, we'll just scrap the tapes."

    I'm happy I didn't have to scrap the tapes.
    I'm sure you will be, too.

-Slikk Tim, April 16th 2008, Nancy

Rawbounce Record#001 – Visit and get bouncin'

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