When, a few weeks ago, I started to think about compiling some
already or almost finished tracks for a new release on Jamendo, I
thought it would become a set of arbitrary pieces and an album without a
theme. But then I realized that the selected pieces were all
dedications... and life decided to give me the regrettable opportunity
for a fifth track...
In Thy Hands (for Sandra and Daniela)
A evening strumming piece... I often play such improvised tunes after
work, and mostly next day they're forgotten. I found this one to be
really positive and joyfull, so I kept on playing it, but had no idea
for a title. End of January, Daniela (the videographer) and Sandra,
really nice people, visited me. While listening to that piece, Sandra
said it would sound like feeling secure in God's hands. It was a
spontanous decision to add a second guitar, so here it is... Thank you,
The Girl In The Meadow (for Renate)
That song occured in Spring 2010, shortly before "Angel Lake". And it's
dedicated to Renate, like "Angel Lake"... while playing the harmonies I
had in mind a little girl playing on a huge meadow with tall grass,
sometimes just running around, sometimes searching for a way out and
sometimes swaying to the rhythm of the wind whizzing through the blades
of grass. Here again I added a second guitar, so you may imagine the
louder one to be the meadow and the lower one (with the simple tunes) to
be the girl.
Lullaby (for Marius)
This is a piece written in 1983 after I had visited my dear classmate
Judith. It was the first time I saw her newborn son. I wrote that piece
for fingerstyle guitar (sheetmusic available on my website)... so my
first idea was to add another guitar piece. I tried several recordings
and sets with various guitars, but I didn't like them. Another idea was
to score it for a string orchestra... I only added a low carillon synth
to underline the lullaby mood.
Fugue (for J.S. Bach)
Bachs Musik, esp. his Fugues have always been a honey pot for me. I
guess, the "Well-tempered Clavier" is the perfect merger of strict form
and floating melody. Besides my scientific studies in the 1980s I
attended a lecture at our local academy to dive deeper into the secrets
of counterpoint. I enjoyed finding musical themes and trying to develop
them within the narrow framework of rules (or to break these rules). I
wrote several fugues at that time, but it's only this one which might
sound somewhat reasonable (but I'm sure J.S. would turn in his grave...
;-) ). Today, so many years later, I often smile listening to it,
especially towards the end of the piece... hope, you have some fun too.
Dawn (for musictomyears)
End of February 2011, Dawn aka musictomyears, one of the most engaged
reviewers on Jamendo, left the community. The loss of her presence, of
her blossom words, her encouragement can't be expressed in words... this
is a tiny Thank-you to you, Dawn. For everything you shared with us. Be
blessed, Dear.
Edit: Just a few hours after upload FRIMMELjoe has made a short but beautiful video using Dawn..
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Datos personales
- raymond
- Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
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