miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Antiglobalizaciòn -Estados Unidos : Emergency GA TONIGHT to discuss OWS crackdown and RESPONSE PLAN for Occupy Boston

The Facilitators working group is calling for an emergency General Assembly meeting tonight at 7pm in Dewey Square, rain or shine. We URGE all Occupy Boston working groups and the broader public to attend.
Given the nation-wide sweep, particularly the crackdown in NYC on Tuesday (11/14), we need to be ready to defend against a crackdown on Dewey Square.
OWS Clearing Zuccotti Emergency GA TONIGHT to discuss OWS crackdown and RESPONSE PLAN for Occupy Boston
NYPD clearing Liberty Plaza. Are we going to let this happen to Dewey Square? (Muncy/Village Voice)
1)      Participants will develop an awareness of the national picture regarding police repression (From NYC to Oakland) and what it means for Occupy Boston.
2)      Participants from each working group will develop a specific tasks or set of tasks that can be executed in unison in the event of a crackdown on Dewey Square.
3)      Occupy Boston will get a general plan in place for the event of a crackdown
Please join us! The more eyes, ears, and minds we can get on this challenge, the better!

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