jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

Indignan: Anarchism, Libertarian Socialism & Anarcho-Syndicalism (Noam Chomsky)

"Anarchism, Libertarian Socialism & Anarcho-Syndicalism: Workers' self-management and Democracy from below". Excerpts from "Conversations with History" (2003), "Beyond State Socialism" (2011), "Human Nature: Justice vs. Power" (1971) & "The Relevance of Anarcho-Syndicalism" (1976) "The Relevance of Anarcho-Syndicalism" [full]: audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_x0Y3... text: http://www.chomsky.info/interviews/19... "Beyond State Socialism" [full]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVNq8k... "Human Nature: Justice versus Power" [full]: televised debate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wfNl2... text: http://www.chomsky.info/debates/1971x... "Conversations with History" [full]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ghoXQ... Links: http://libcom.org/ http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/ http://anarchosyndicalism.net/index.php http://workersolidarity.org/ http://occupywallst.org/

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