domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

Israel: London demonstration today by true torah jews, you see that's why I fight so hard to force people to not become antisemitic because that is the whole zionist plan to use true jews as almighty shield, those khazarian scumb got good over time, but there still are good hearted jews following the holy scriptures of the torah, shitting on the talmud and israhell, being on our side denouncing this up, this should make you think....Anonymous Anticensura


 London demonstration today by true torah jews, you see that's why I fight so hard to force people to not become antisemitic because that is the whole zionist plan to use true jews as almighty shield, those khazarian scumb got good over time, but there still are good hearted jews following the holy scriptures of the torah, shitting on the talmud and israhell, being on our side denouncing this up, this should make you think

 Aliēnātus: the truth is out there

Anonymous Anticensura

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