sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Mùsica: Kevan Paul...Passing Through The Portal

Album description

“Passing Through The Portal” is a passionate effort to present contemporary electric-violin as a central melodic instrument in new song structures. While following jazz-fusion traditions with similar electric-violin recordings, there is also an effort to continue to stretch the boundaries with intricate blended original synthesizer sounds and rhythms.  The titles of the pieces reflect some of the current events over the last year (2011-2012), some are personal and some are in the general world psyche and news. The genre is a blend of “soundtrack” ideas, along with jazz-fusion, and new-age elements.  Various experimental violin effects are employed (harmonics, chorus, reverb, room-acoustic-design, phaser, etc.).  
 “Rewind” is intended to be a Latin-Jazz piece, and features straight-up jazz violin.
 “Brother Moon, Sister Sun” is a fantasy/science-fiction soundtrack where I imagine “sailing” through the open space and reflecting on my life as I gaze out of a portal.
 “Polked-Dotted Blue Whale” is a piece written as a tribute to a children’s book written and illustrated by my brother, David Paul. The story is about an old sea captain that rescues a polka-dotted whale in the ocean by repairing his broken tail. I visualize a whale swimming in this piece.
 “Passing Through The Portal” was composed just before Steve Jobs passed away, and my thoughts were reflecting on how people with near-death experiences have described the experience as moving toward a bright light through a passageway. This is my reflection on this experience, and also on the passing this past year of many people who have dramatically influenced music.
 “Cold Fusion Returns” is a dramatic meditation on the past years renewed drama for a repudiation of the “low-energy-nuclear-reaction” research that is demonstrating again that it is possible to create small-scale reactors that can produce excess heat. The nickel-hydrogen reactor may be the game-changer in small-scale local energy production, for example.
 “Near Field, Far Field” is a reflection of the ideas of how the picture changes depending on what we can focus on. The new LYTRO camera is another game-change technology, for example, because we can re-focus the image after the entire “light-field” has been captured.  The ability to focus on long-term eco-systems, for example, may be critical to our survival on the planet earth. We need the ability to adjust our focus in communication, in vision, and purpose.


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Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
