jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Antiglobalizaciòn-Estados Unidos : N17 Updates

Portland, OR — Occupy Portland and a diverse collection of groups will unite and take to the streets on November 17th to shut down major, corporate banks in Portland.

This international day of action follows the forcible eviction of the Occupy Portland encampment during which over 50 protesters were arrested. N17 will be one of many actions over the next week that Occupy Portland organizers are using to grow and engage the thousands of supporters who have joined this evolving movement. Participants intend to prohibit business-as-usual at the banking institutions that they feel have hijacked the government, contributed to the vast inequality of wealth that exists today and made enormous profit off the suffering of communities around the world.
Two specific demands uniting the N17 organizing groups are that banks stop foreclosing on people’s homes and that the city of Portland and Multnomah County immediately cease enforcing foreclosures. These demands embody the larger goal of reclaiming democracy by putting people and the environment before profit and greed.
“Refusing to enforce home foreclosures is one concrete way that we can reclaim power from the big banks and meet the needs of the people,” says N17 organizer David Osborn, “Our movement will continue to grow and evolve as we reclaim our economy and recreate our democracy.”
The N17 organizing group is an unprecedented, multi-generational collaboration of student organizers, labor groups, veterans, animal rights and environmental organizations, immigrant justice organizers and Occupy Portland activists.
Schedule for N17:
8am: Occupy Portland & labor groups converge on the east end of the Steel Bridge to demand Jobs Not Cuts.
10am: Rally at Waterfront Park (SW Pine & Naito)
11am: March & Mass Mobilization
More information at: www.n17pdx.org
The Bike Swarm is Back! 
Tomorrow’s ‘N17 – Occupy the Banks‘ actions of civil disobedience throughout downtown Portland can count on an assist from a cadre of people on bikes. A ride dubbed ‘Swarm the Banks‘ will look to play a similar role to the ‘bike swarm’ that made its presence felt at the big standoff at Chapman and Lownsdale Squares this past Sunday.

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