Tomorrow, Thursday November 17th, marks two months since the start of
Occupy Wall Street as well as International Students Day. To
commemorate this two month anniversary, Occupy Wall Street will take to
the streets in celebration and in solidarity with people around the
world participating in a massive global day of action in hundreds of
In the wake of Bloomberg’s predawn raid of Occupy Wall Street on
Tuesday morning, thousands of people throughout the five boroughs and
the greater region will join together to take nonviolent action
tomorrow. We will gather to resist austerity, rebuild the economy, and
reclaim our democracy. We will no longer tolerate a system that only
serves the very rich and powerful. Right now Wall Street owns
Washington. We are the 99% and we are here to reclaim our democracy.
Schedule for New York #N17 Actions below.
7:00am — Shut Down Wall Street
We will gather in Liberty Square at 7:00am, before the ring of the
Trading Floor Bell, to prepare to confront Wall Street with the stories
of people on the frontlines of economic injustice.
3:00pm — Occupy the Subway
We will gather at 3:00pm at 16 central subway hubs and take our own stories to the trains, using the "People's Mic". Details here.
5:00pm — Take the Square, Festival of Lights on Brooklyn Bridge
At 5:00pm thousands will gather at Foley Square in solidarity with
laborers demanding jobs to rebuild this country's infrastructure and
economy. They will encircle City Hall and march across the Brooklyn
Bridge, carrying thousands of handheld lights, as a festival of lights
to celebrate two months of a new movement to reclaim our democracy.
Resist austerity. Rebuild the economy. Reclaim our democracy.
Click here for more information.
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Datos personales
- raymond
- Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
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