sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

Linux: ArchLabs 2018.03 - See What's New

ArchLabs 2018.03 is the latest release of Linux distribution based on Arch Linux and featuring the Openbox window manager as the primary desktop interface. The project's latest release, ArchLabs 2018.03, brings a few fixes and improvements and improve the user. LUKS and encryption is now working, for those security concious users out there you should be all go on the encryption side. There have been a few installer updates, base-devel is included at install time. Also the mirrorlist is optimised at the same time. Once you select the “Install ArchLabs” section of the installer, you will find it now is mostly automated. With the exception of setting passwords, username and hostname. You will also still need to manually set where grub is to be installed. When the base system is setup it automatically dumps you in the configuration menu, so take care you don’t miss this step.
 https://archlabslinux.com/get-archlab... == Support LinuxScoop on Patreon! https://patreon.com/linuxscoop == == Follow and Subscribe == Youtube : http://bit.ly/1LcWaHK Instagram : http://bit.ly/2GXJJ8O Google+ : http://bit.ly/1NtQ2MZ Facebook : http://bit.ly/1Y86LNi Twitter : http://bit.ly/20QcCJx Dailymotion : http://bit.ly/1MZbdXI Tumblr : http://bit.ly/20ZgoAh Website : http://bit.ly/1MFgNlf

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