martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Mùsica : For Solacing Grief 2011 acoustic op.1 Solacing Grief’s release “op.1” is broken up into five tracks of acoustic instrumentals. Exquisite guitar work slowly drifts along from one track to the next. From start to finish it breathes beautiful harmonious moments. Music appears as a silent place of refuge. Time dissolves while you slowly drift into emerging sounds. Melodies and harmonies unfold with room to breathe. Small details take on greater significance in this ambiance and special moments are captured. The often overlooked becomes the heart and guiding light of concise arrangements. Steven Deacid builds his musical project For Solacing Grief upon the minimalistic onomatopoeia of two guitars. At first glance these works seem unostentatious. Upon taking a closer look a richly coloured dream world opens up. The music shows how working in seclusion without any restrictions result in a joy of temporarily losing oneself. The intuitive use of only a few musical means is an important part of this creative process. In the end, just letting go will bring out these flowing forms and interweaving structures.

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Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
