miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Mùsica : Various Artists – Brave New World

Funny how some things come together, even unintentionally: The English author Aldous Huxley, who became famous with his dystopia “Brave New World” once said «After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music». And it is this rather new compilation called “Brave New World” that reminds me of this aphorism.
Feedback Loop Label’s very own Leonardo Rosado (a.k.a. Subterminal) based his vision of a “Brave New World” on two poems he wrote about his fascination for big cities. Then he added twenty pictures of urban landscapes by Jessica Aliaga Lavrijsen and invited well-chosen musicians to contribute to this project. It turns out that this was a truly inspiring idea. Over twenty ambient, electronica and experimental artists, among them such renowned names as Marcus Fischer, Pascal Savy, Monolyth & Cobalt, I’ve Lost, The Dwindlers, Ambienteer and Birds of Passage, have developed their own points of view, expanding Rosado’s initial idea to a whole Brave New World, expressing the inexpressible, expressing their imagination through sound. This is not just a simple ambient compilation, this is a coherent concept album, one of those you can listen to again and again, while discovering new details every time.

FeedbackLoop Label proudly presents Brave New World its second compilation. Twenty one very talented artists accepted the challenge to compose a music based on two poems I've written about my  fascination for cities, and twenty pictures Jessica Aliaga Lavrijsen chose to illustrate the poems. The result is a two hour collection of Poetic Urban Landscapes that span from magical moments one can find if enjoying the moods of the city, into verbal expressions and different everyday life situations.

Leonardo Rosado

mastered by Ricardo Caldas and Tiago Morgado
design by Leonardo Rosado
photographs by Jessica Aliaga Lavrijsen

FbL010] various artists - brave new world


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Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
