domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Mùsica : stefano mocini . My impressions

stefano mocini
marta, Italia

I was walking along the lake's banks , when I suddently saw a daffodil dancing with the wind. This was My impression. This flowerhas been brave: the spring has been very cold and this daffodil was the only one I could find along the lake's banks. I don't know if it will survive all the storms of this trumbling spring, but his dance will survive in my mind. What Wordsworth said by words, I will now say using the music.

The album is made of five short pieces of piano, each one with his personality that describes my impressions looking the flowerand thinking of the cold spring.
The first song describes the flower shaking its head off. The second one describes the thought of the flower's difficults agaist the cold spring. The third and the fourth describe the bad sort of this brave flower. The last says that the flower will ever dance inmy mind and my music.

I really hope you will enjoy my music. Keep dreaming...

In the cover:peach blossoms. At the end the warm spring has arrived! ;)
 My impressions

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Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
