lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

Mùsica : Alexandr Filippov . for you

Questions on organizations concerto on this contact 8777 330 10 33 artet was formed 1 January 2009.Performs basically author's product.(the composer - A.FILIPPOV.)uns(almaty)2003-2009

Memnogo about our project...
All participants of the quartette known musicians,participants of the different groups,festivals and contest.
1. Alexander Filippov - a former participant(kompozitor)i solo-гитарист gr.The Silver Heart(караганда) 2001-2003 Former participants(kompozitor)i solo-гитарист gr.Latino G
The Laureate междунродного of the contest Fate musics (the Fate-mission) in city Baikonur 2002г.(электрогитара) Diplomant междунродного of the contest гитристов g.Astana 2003г.(класическая гитра)
At present is a composer given project.
2.Насибулин Valera
Played in ensemble Boomerang under management T. Ibragimova in group under management Homenkova
Magic of Nomads
Took part in such festival as
1. North Sea , Holland (mezhd. festival 2005)
2. Jazz Festival From A to Z
3. IAGE (USA, New york)
At the moment game of
Magic of Nomads, Quartette Homenkova, Bandano and quartette A.FILIPPOVA
3.Стадиченко Grigoriy
Played on one scene with Demisom Russosom Certain time worked in алматинской to group Deksilen, in Italies.
Played in Gipsy ensemble with the whole former.The Soviet union.
Took part in such festival as
1.Jazz Festival From A to Z
2.Джазовая popular music in Lesokovsk
3.Международный contest SHabyt in Astane (as guest) At the moment plays with different исполителями and in group.
4.Ястай ZHandos
Played in jazz бэнде under management Tagira Zaripova.
In group Steps
Took part in such festival as
1.Jazz Festival From A to Z (2005г. in composition of the group Steps, 2009г. in project B.SHUKENOVA and R.GAYSINA)
2. Dzhaziya ( Almaty, 2007)
At present game of group K7, Akimatovskom vaudeville-symphonic orchestra and in quartette A.FILIPPOVA.
The Project is directed on development гитарной musics and modern composition beside youth.Such project in our country and in country near and distant зарубежья was not yet,with the exclusion of California trio(USA).The Music of the quartette - a new look at modern гитарную music!

for you

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