martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Indignan-USA: Another World is Possible! #S17 OccupyWallSt

S17: Another World is Possible
#OccupyWallStreet was born Sept. 17, 2011, when we occupied the heart of Manhattan’s Financial District to declare: "We are the 99%! We will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%!"
Our message resonated across the globe as countless sister occupations rose up in solidarity. With the whole world watching, a terrified 1% threw everything they could at us, but in so doing, they exposed not only the violence and deceit necessary to maintain systemic inequality, but also the tragic truth that our so-called democratic governments were in fact tools of the very 1% we had organized to resist. In city after city, we were demonized, brutalized, and evicted – but the 1% made one crucial error: in their arrogance, they assumed they'd won.
The 1% can never win; they are (by their own design) hopelessly outnumbered. Another world is not only possible, it is unstoppable. We, the 99%, are on the right side of history.
One year, and over 7,000 arrests later, we are still fighting. We are not afraid, and we will never, ever, quit.

Join us September 15-17, 2012 for three days of education, celebration, and resistance!

see below for an evolving list of events and resources:

Coordinating Websites

General Event Invites

S17: International Convergence of the 99% on Wall Street
Black Monday

NYC Events

Occupy Town Square
9/15: Washington Square Park, 11am-7pm
9/16: Foley Square / Thomas Paine Park, 12pm-7pm
9/17: TBD

Autonomous Anti-Capitalist March
9/15: Grant Army Plaza (59th street and 5th avenue), 4pm unpermitted
Autonomous FTP March
9/16: East Harlem, 8pm unpermitted
Early morning Bike Ride
9/17: Seward Park (Essex Street between Canal and Hester), 6am
Sept 17th The People's Picket on Wall Street
9/17: Wall Street, 7am-10am
9/17: Wall Street, 7am
Autonomous Direct Actions In Solidarity With #OWS
9/17: All day long unpermitted
The Emma Goldman memorial Popular Assembly
6pm, 55 Water St

Transportation and Housing
FB Group for People in the Pacific NW Coming to NYC - More info from Occupy Portland
Occupy Maine Coming to NYC and their fundraising page
Fundraising to Help Occupy Los Angeles Come to NYC
Where to Park that Bus . . .

Events Outside NYC

Occupy One Year Anniversary in Reno and Carson City, Nevada


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Malas noticias en los periòdicos, asesinatos, enfermedad, pobreza, dolor, injusticias, discriminaciòn, guerras, lo grave es que nos parece normal.
