martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Antiglobalizaciòn : Faith and Spirituality at Occupy Boston

Spiritual communities have been active in Occupy Boston since day one, and we have a vibrant Faith and Spirituality Group that maintains a beautiful sacred space tent at our encampment. Here are some of the activities they and others have organized to date:
Local Christian clergy—including Bishop M. Thomas Shaw of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and Rev. Charles Adams of Harvard Divinity School—have offered words of advice and encouragement, ecumenical prayers, and communion services.
Members of Boston’s Jewish community have offered shabbat and Kol Nidre services, sounded the shoffer at our marches, and built a sukkot in Dewey Square.
Members of local Buddhist sanghas have led occupiers in chanting and meditation, and members of Thich Nhat Hahn’s monastic community gave a talk and led a mindfulness march.
The Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard has offered discussion groups and secular meditations for atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, and skeptics.
Local Unitarian-Universalist clergy have held interreligious prayer services, and the Harvard Divinity School Unitarian-Universalist Ministry to Students (HUUMS) have come to Dewey Square offering occupiers warm drinks and a listening ear.
A local Sikh community performed a moving chant concert in Dewey Plaza.
Occupiers and supporters from the Pagan, Muslim, Native American, yoga, New Age, and other traditions have all offered prayers, meditations, ceremonies, and workshops in Dewey Square.

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